The simple fact is that GPS is extremely affordable. Much like the paperless offices of today, we are now entering the world of a paperless car. With less paper and printing, we are helping the environment by not using a medium that is too often crumpled up and thrown away. Even the best and most often used directions end up getting coffee spilled on them, but a GPS device, well-positioned on your dashboard won’t have that problem. If it ever does, just wipe it off. To help save the environment one less sheet of paper at a time, check out some Great GPS Devices. Whether you are looking to buy your first GPS, or thinking about upgrading, it is worth your time.

Apply some simple math, and the environmental waste emirates live draw quickly compounds based on the above factor of ad-intensive print outs, and the number of steps it takes to get from your starting point to the destination. With the high cost of petroleum these days, taking the shortest route is a common practice, and one that reduces or completely limits the amount of highways included in your directions. This means lots of backroads, and turn after turn. Each left, right, or “follow” is an additional printed line of output. You’re saving gas, but 50 miles of shortest-distance directions might take more than five pages to print.

Sure, there are ways to get around printing long sets of directions. A common way is to print multiple pages on one sheet, but that really isn’t the safest practice. Squinting to read your printed directions while on a dimly-lit back road is a recipe for disaster.

Did you know that getting a GPS device is another way to go green and help the environment? If you already have a GPS, pat yourself on the back, because your car is less cluttered with the wasted trees of printed directions. As you know, most online map services serve up lots of printed ads along with the directions, so what often times should be one page of printed directions usually ends up as two or three.

A Green Earth is Our Childrens Legacy